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Kiss Why waste time on the worldwide personals sites when you have a better chance of meeting local people right here? We have thousands of local members, from all over Long Island and the 5 boroughs. Whether you are seeking a friend, lover, chat buddy, casual dating, or something more serious, you can find your LOCAL match at LongIslandPersonals.com.

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I have been a member for about one year, and it is a great site for those that are not into or are fed up with the lame pick up lines for the ladies and females rejections for the males. This is a site that is discreet and safe. You have the opportunity to read profiles and meet people that feel the same way about bar scenes, and you can meet people that live in your same town or state.
- Michael, Brookhaven

I always thought personals were just for losers. I signed up one night after my friends talked me into it. I discovered it was actually a lot of fun! I have not yet met my knight in shining armor but I do enjoy the attention I get from all the men out here. It is definitely great for the ego!
- Jennifer, Coram

After being out of Long Island for 5 years, I thought browsing the personals was a good way to get back into the social scene with the opposite sex. After being a member for a few days, I found an old friend of mine from high school. We have been chatting ever since and now I found out she had the hots for me in high school! You never know who you might meet.
- Anthony, East Islip

Six months ago I created a profile on the Long Island Personals web-site. I never seriously thought that I would meet someone so perfect for me (and so local), someone that I could consider spending the rest of my life with. What started out as a simple note to another member then turned into a lengthy phone conversation every night, then a couple of dates a week, then finally a kiss. I won't say what happened after the kiss :) - And it continues to get better all the time! Thank you again.
- Alison, Massapequa
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